Friday, 23 December 2011

He had a plan...thought about Christmas by Rosemary

He had a plan….Christmas thoughts

Often I struggle with some of the concepts and thoughts about Christmas that are presented year after year, not only in the secular world but in the Christian arena too. I have nothing against cute nativity plays, artistic manger scenarios etc, but they don’t seem to connect at a deeper level.

Christmas messages are sometimes, not always of course but sometimes, sugar-coated or unrealistic. The expectations of everyone in general seem to be that it should be a magical time when none of the usual hard, nasty and real things happen. Everyone would like to believe in ‘goodwill to all men’ and Santa Claus, but of course it never is like that, bad stuff still happens. Humans, like leopards, don’t magically change their spots, earthquakes, disasters, illnesses etc don’t stand back and wait for Christmas to come and go before they happen, and we are constantly disappointed.

So I wanted to think about Christmas a different way this year. We are celebrating an amazing, awesome, life changing event in the chequered history of this world. When I move aside the tinsel and trappings of Christmas I am astounded again at what actually happened.

Our God, the almighty…powerful-beyond-imagination….God who designed, created and sustains the universe had a plan!!! From the dawn of time, from the first human failure and betrayal, he had a plan for his beloved creation, for mankind. Despite our obstinacy and sinfulness, he wanted us to enjoy his indescribable love, to be able to be in a deep and intimate relationship with us, he wanted us to be able to live as he designed us to live, in communion and love with himself.

So he had a plan, an audacious, stunning and awesomely loving plan to come and live among us, as one of us; To share our burdens, disappointments, temptations and to bring his perfect kingdom into our imperfect world; to take onto himself and bear the consequences of his own anger at our rebellion and sinfulness.

The plan took hundreds of years to bring to fruition…and then the time was right!!!! The time was perfect!!! He did something awesome…our omnipotent God took the form of a human, coming in the most vulnerable way as a helpless dependant baby, to share our lives on this planet from the start, dependant on and at the mercy of inexperienced humans.

The angels couldn’t help but burst out as they saw the beautiful, awesome God bring his plan to fruition.

‘Wow!!! You people on earth, do you realise what has just happened!! Do you not understand what an amazing thing has happened…you are just so lucky!!!! You are being given the chance to be alive with your creator. Don’t you realise the magnitude of what he is doing for you…Can’t you see who has come among you…. don’t you humans understand!!’

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

A cry for help

A cry for help

Lord I can’t do it anymore
I’ve tried – I’m trying
But it is too much
I am failing
Trying to keep it together
Trying to do and be good
Trying to help

Maybe I’m just being trying

With all the clever wise words
That accomplishes nothing
All the good intentions
Which vanish like a mist
Who am I – what am I?
When I think I have it together
I am confused with fragments
When I think I understand
My logic falters and fails
When I think I love
My heart ends up bleeding
Oh where am I my Lord?
Only you can hold me together
Wherever, whatever that is
Only You, Lord, know my true heart
And yet you love me still

Thank you.

Saturday, 26 November 2011

To live loved...a poem by rosemary

To live loved

So often what I know by head
My heart can not get round
Your love for me is something Lord
I find hard to understand
I long so much to be secure
To feel certain that I am yours
Yet echoes from my painful heart
Keep leaving me unsure.

Oh yes I know you love me Lord
I’m told so many times
Then I think that other’s needs
Mean more to you than mine

So thank you Lord for telling me
With patient loving care
Your love for me is just unique
Just yours and mine to share
There is a ‘me’ place in your heart
That only I can fill
And I can rest within that place
Secure and safe and still

Your heart of love is infinite
Is endless, perfect, true
You love us each uniquely Lord
Each one-on-one with you
There is a place within your heart
That only we can fill
And as we learn to live life loved
We learn to love as well.

Saturday, 19 November 2011

From A High Place......A short story by Rosemary


I stood on the high plateau, the air was fresh and clean, and I breathed deeply admiring the truly marvelous view from this lofty place. The climb up to this spot had been one of the hardest things I had ever done. It had taken me a very long time, and an awful lot of pain, but now I had arrived. I felt quite proud of my achievement, and felt quite justified in that feeling. Below was the smog, the filth and slime from which I had escaped and the stench which had all but suffocated me. Was it hours, days or years ago when I had begun my climb? I couldn’t tell, but now I was high above it all in this wonderful clear air, on this smooth plateau, which seemed to stretch as far as the eye could see.
Glancing down I saw someone struggling up the slope. The slime from the valley below was still covering his feet and hands making it difficult for him to keep his grip and his feet kept slipping. As I watched his struggles a number of thoughts went through my mind. First I felt a slight irritation that someone else was climbing up to my plateau. I felt a degree of possessiveness for this spot, now someone else was aiming to share it with me. Then, I am ashamed to admit, I felt rather contemptuous of his efforts, comparing them, (in my mind), to my own much superior climbing abilities
I turned away and tried to recapture the pleasure and delight I had felt so strongly only moments ago. Somehow the intensity of those feelings seemed less pleasurable now. My thoughts turned to God. Surely now I had reached such heights I must be so much closer to God, we could now talk face to face. I looked around as if expecting him to be right behind me. What I saw was so overwhelming, so amazing that I fell to my knees in wonder, awe and shame.
I now saw clearly what this ‘plateau’ really was, and understood how I came to be here. I remembered how in my struggle to climb I had been aware of Gods presence helping me, encouraging me. I hadn’t really been a particularly good climber at all. What I saw now caused me to tremble. Because I understood at last that The Great Almighty God, my awesome Heavenly Father had seen me as I wallowed in the filth and slime of the stinking valley below, and he had loved me. He, who is far greater than the heavens and the earth, had in His indescribable mercy and grace, reached down to me from his throne above and plucked me off the rubbish dump of life. The plateau I now stood upon, the place I had struggled up to with His help and guidance was in actual fact the palm of his hand. 
Now with a clearer sense of my own unworthiness and The Lords awesome greatness and majesty, I turned again to look at my brother still struggling up, and reached out to help him.    

Saturday, 12 November 2011

Poems from an up and down Rosemary

This week has been a bit up and down, and the downs were just about as low as they get, to the point of feeling like giving up. Yet through the depression, weariness and tears God still keeps his hand on me. When I can't 'see' him through the gloom and my mind plays tricks on my logic and reason, then His 'Rod and Staff' still comfort me. When all I can do is cry out, his hand is there to strengthen me and help me carry on. The weariness doesn't necessarily vanish, but I am not alone.

The following are two poems from this week's struggle. They may be a bit rough around the edges, but maybe they will resonate and hopefully encourage someone else, somewhere, sometime, somehow.


Waves of despair wash over me
I am so close, so close to giving up
Logic and sense fight through the darkness
Only to be washed away in helplessness
Oh Lord, I cry out to you
I cannot carry on
I long so much for quick escape
From this ache deep in my heart
Weariness and sadness leak from my eyes
Anger and frustration too
As I face my weakness once again
Lord I need some light from you
I need your help so much my God
Don’t let go through all my gloom
Stay always ever at my side
Change the waves to those of mercy soon.



Oh to see your beauty Lord
To recognise your face
To understand and hear your voice
To frolic in your grace
Oh Lord, to walk close by your side
To feel your presence near
And to experience your love
Free from all doubts and fears
I long to know you’re really here
Your evidence to show
So others see and sense and hear
And long to know you too

Saturday, 5 November 2011

Time with Him......a short story by Rosemary

Time with Him

It was still quite dark but the promise of dawn was beginning to brighten up the horizon as I made my way to his door. As usual I was thinking of what had to be done that day and checked my watch to see if I had allowed myself time for this morning visit. There was so much I needed to talk to him about and ask him about, so much weighing down on my mind, so many tears welling up close to the surface ready to spill over. I knew I needed to spend more time with him.

As I reached his door I pulled the list I had written out of my pocket and checked my watch again, so much to do so much to say. I knocked on the door and waited for just a moment, then did what I had done so many times before and shoved my list roughly through his letter box and hurried down the road still carrying my burden of care. Vaguely I was aware of his door opening; I glanced back as I hurried around the corner and caught sight of him standing there my list in his hand and a sad smile on his face.

Next morning there I was again approaching his door, I knew I shouldn’t just post my list through his letterbox, I knew I needed to talk to him face to face, so I knocked and waited until he opened the door. His smile when he saw me was so warming. He opened the door wider and invited me inside. I could see a table laid for two and a delicious breakfast feast laid out. The smell of good food and the warmth from inside his home were so inviting I was really tempted to stay, but obviously he was expecting someone or he had a visitor already so I just handed him my list of requests thanked him for his time and quickly turned away and hurried on to start my day. I looked back as I turned the corner to give him a wave and I noticed him shaking his head sadly as he went back inside.

Yet the pain and anguish still remained in my heart, I really knew I shouldn’t just give him a list of my cares I knew I needed to talk to him properly as I have before, not just a quick hello but a real conversation. I knew I needed to listen to him. I remembered that whenever I spent quality time with him my heart grew peaceful even when my problems remained. So the next morning as I approached his door I determined that if he invited me in I really needed to accept his invitation and stay awhile with him. I knocked as usual, maybe he was so fed up with my rude behaviour he wouldn’t want anything to do with me anymore. The door opened and he smiled at me with his usual welcome and put his hand out to receive my list.

“I haven’t made a list today”, I said “I was hoping I could come in and talk like we used to”.

His smile grew wider and I saw, much to my surprise, a look of joy on his face - was that for me? I wondered. He ushered me into the warmth of his home. Again I saw a table set for two, and immediately felt awkward, obviously he was expecting someone, and I asked him if he had time for me as he must have a guest coming for breakfast. He laughed at that and said,

“This is for you. Each morning I expect you, each morning I long for you to stay and share what I have prepared for you. Each morning I long to listen to you and have you listen to me, come sit awhile, I know full well what you need to do today but time spent with me will not be wasted or lost. I long to strengthen you, teach you, encourage you. Come to me with your burdens and I will give you rest; I will quieten you with my love and rejoice over you with singing. You are my child and I love it when we spend time together. My child, remember I am always here for you and I love you. You do not have to face the day alone”.

Friday, 4 November 2011

Always, forever, constant

Always, forever, constant

My child listen
My love is

My arms are strong
I can hold you
I hear your unvoiced cry
I know you
Each day I will reveal myself to you
Even when you do not see me
I am here

I will not change my mind
I will not turn from you
Trust me, and remember
My love is

A farmer's dreams...short cautionary tale by Rosemary

A farmer’s dreams

There was once a farmer who had been given a lovely piece of land to cultivate. One day full of great joy and anticipation he loaded his tractor up with an enormous quantity of seeds and seedlings of many different varieties. As the sun made its appearance over the horizon beginning to brighten the sky, he set off to plant out the land.

As he drove around the boundaries of the property he dreamt of how the seedlings would grow into tall strong trees that would shelter the land. Whilst he drove through the area set aside for the orchards he thought of the plentiful crops of fruit that would grow. He imagined the delight of those who would enjoy the fruit, he thought of the profits that would be earned from a bountiful harvest. As he drove up and down the where the grain fields would be he could just see in his minds eye the good crops pushing their way through the rich soil, growing into flourishing fields.

All in all he was full of enthusiasm and hope as planned ahead thinking of what a flourishing productive farm it would become.

As the sun started to set, he travelled back home a tired, happy and content man. It had been a long, good day which he had spent on the land and his vision was for the future. Finally he reached home and jumped down from his tractor, only to be brought up short in horror and dismay. For there on his tractor were still loaded all the seeds and seedlings with which he had started out the day. The farmer had been so busy dreaming of the finished products whilst he drove around the land that he had entirely forgotten to actually sow and plant the seeds.

Saturday, 29 October 2011

The Mirror of Grace

The Mirror Of Grace

On the outside I had fallen prey to the enemy, a terrifying, gigantic creature. I was beaten, defeated, torn and bloody. As I lay shattered on the ground the enemy closing in for the fatal final blow, one who was far greater and more powerful even than my enemy came, his majesty dwarfed and overwhelmed my tormentor forcing him to fall back cowering and defeated. My rescuer was The Loving Living Lord, and he came to me and picked me up just as I was - more dead than alive - and carried me to a safe place, the shelter of the Almighty. Here he tended to my wounds, healing and restoring, until at last I could again stand shakily on my feet.

Yet outside this place of safety I could see my enemy still lurking, prowling around, and seeking some way to destroy me. I could hear his taunts and abuse, his mocking words. Even in my sanctuary the words found a mark in my heart as if a sword was being thrust into me. With a triumphant laugh the enemy observing my weakness lunged again with unsheathed claws, but the shield of God’s love protected me. The enemy fell back as if struck by some invisible, mighty force, and retreated snarling and angry.

Still I was afraid. Memory of past failure and the awareness of my own weakness haunted me. I realized the enemy couldn’t reach me in this safe place; he couldn’t separate me from God’s love. Yet the taunts and abuse still echoed in my heart, I found it so hard to ignore them, and in that moment of doubt and weakness was when the enemy produced the “mirror-of-negativity”. He held it up so that I could not help but see the horrific reflection looking back at me. As I looked at myself I could see only the very worst in me, only my faults, real or imagined and all my failures, all that was bad, all that was ugly. There was nothing good in the reflection of myself that I could see. It was a horrible sight and as I beheld it I felt so worthless, so unworthy to be alive. I wanted to die and rid the world of this terrible person that was me.

Yet The Loving Living Lord was still there for me in a powerful way even in my moment of deep despair. With a mighty shout and a strong hand he dashed that terrible mirror of negativity from the hands of the enemy shattering it into a million pieces. With unimaginable awesome power and authority he sent the beast on its way. Then he came to me in the place where he sheltered me, and I felt his mercy and loving presence. Gently and without condemnation he lifted me up and made me look into another mirror, one that he held. It was called “The Mirror of Grace”, and when I looked in it I saw myself as he sees me, for my flawed reflection was covered by the perfect reflection of Jesus.

Saturday, 22 October 2011

The Challenge

The Challenge

Hand in hand we walked along the path. Gently he helped me over some dangerous obstacles that hindered our progress. Once or twice I would have stumbled on the rough ground, or fallen into potholes or ditches along the way, injuring myself, but he was always there supporting me. When I got tired or felt like I couldn’t go on he always found some way to encourage me. We traveled along together until eventually we rounded a bend in the road and there, directly ahead, the path came to an abrupt end at the foot of a very high cliff.

We stopped at the bottom of this wall of rock, and I looked up. It was very high. Now where do we go from here? I wondered.

I think he must have read my thoughts because he said ‘Now we climb’.

‘You’ve got to be joking, I answered, ‘there’s no way I could possibly climb up there. Anyway I’m not too great with heights. Couldn’t we just go round it somehow?’

He looked at me kindly, but shook his head, ‘if you want to carry on this journey with me you need to make the climb. Haven’t I helped you along the path so far? Don’t be afraid, I will be right alongside you. Look, here are some foot and handholds in the rock, you can do it, I know you can’. He assured me.

I really had no choice I knew I had to climb, but I was so afraid. Inside me it felt like a major earthquake was taking place, but I trusted him, he had after all always been there for me. So with fear and trembling I began to climb. Once I got going it was not quite as bad as I had imagined, but it was still very difficult. At one point, about half way up, I glanced down, which made me feel dizzy and weak, my foot had slipped and I could hardly hold on, but just at that moment he had reached out and steadied me, the touch of his hand gave me the strength I needed to go on. At last we made it to the top, I lay on the grass above, waiting for the shaking in my limbs to subside. He sat beside me smiling, and I felt good.

‘Okay?’ he asked kindly.

‘Yes,’ I replied, ‘but I wouldn’t want to do that again in a hurry’.

‘Well if you are ready we will move on.’ he said, helping me to my feet. I stood up, and followed him through a lovely glade of trees.  I had been vaguely aware of a roaring, pounding noise ever since I had lain panting on the cliff top. I had put it down the blood rushing in my ears, and the pounding of my heart. Now as we walked through the trees it grew much louder and I saw ahead one of the biggest, wildest most tempestuous rivers I had ever seen. I seriously think that the most ardent white water rafter would have turned tail and run just at the sight of it.

He stood at the edge of the river, turned, took my hand, and smiling into my eyes he quietly announced, ‘Now we must cross the river,’

‘How?’ I asked, not really sure I wanted to hear his answer. I looked around hopefully for a bridge of some sort, or even a boat. There was nothing except the white frothing waters crashing against sharp rocks, then cascading in a roaring fury over the edge of a chasm into a boiling angry whirlpool below.

‘We swim’, he said.

‘Swim!’ I gasped ‘swim! Have you ever seen me swim! A couple of floundering strokes in a quiet pool and I think I’ve done well. Yet you expect me to swim over this raging river! There must be another way, surely.’

‘We swim’, he repeated. ‘Haven’t I looked after you well so far? All the way along the path then climbing the rock face, I didn’t let you fall, I will not fail you here, trust me, don’t be afraid, follow me.’  And with that he stepped into the foaming waters.

What could I do? I had to follow, if I had thought my insides were like an earthquake before, this time they were really off the Richter scale. Never had I been so afraid in my life, but I had to go on. Into those dark rushing waters, I had to trust him. I took a few steps into the swirling water. I felt the power of the current as it dragged my feet out from under me. The river picked me up; the white water was closing above my head, filling my lungs, and dragging me under. Suddenly I felt his strong arms closing around me, lifting my head above the water; I felt his strength as he carried me out of the murderous flood to the other side, breathing life back into me.

I lay wet and bedraggled on the riverbank greedily gulping in lung-fulls of air. He sat beside me, I thought for a moment he was laughing. He looked quite delighted. ‘You did very well,’ he said, ‘you faced the river and your fear.’

I looked into his loving face, I knew he would always be there for me; I knew I could trust him as we traveled together. He wouldn’t let me go. I felt that I could face almost anything now after the path, the cliff and the river.

We waited for a while in the sunshine while I dried off, and rested. We sat quietly by the river and talked.

By now it was getting late in the day, he decided it was time to move on. I enjoyed the way the sun filtered through the branches of the trees, and listening to the singing of the birds as they prepared to settle for the night. He walked ahead for a little, and then he paused. When I reached his side I found he was standing looking down into a valley far below us. Even from this height I realized it was the most beautiful place I had ever seen, there was peacefulness, and a rich deep tranquility about it.

‘Is that where we are heading?’ I asked. He nodded, I could see a longing in his eyes as he looked at that place, and I realized that this was his home. It looked to be a long way down, a sheer steep drop.

‘Where is the path down?’ I asked. He looked at me with a twinkle in his eye, and my heart sunk.

‘There is no path’, he said with a broad smile.

‘Then how do we get down there then?’ I really dreaded his answer.

‘We jump.’ He said quite simply.

Difficult paths I could handle, climbing sheer rock faces, crossing a ferocious river, we had done that, but jumping off an extremely high cliff that was something else.

‘Isn’t there another river to cross, or mountain to climb? Are you sure there is no path? I don’t mind how difficult the path is. There must be some other way down.’

He shook his head.

‘Oh I know, you have a parachute or hand glider or something hidden away ready for us,’ I suggested hopefully.

Again he shook his head, ‘Trust me,’ he said quietly, ‘do not be afraid. I have made this jump before, and see, I am here with you still. Hold my hand.’

There was nothing else I could do. I couldn’t go back across the river and down the cliff face on my own. I needed to be with him; this time my fear was beyond all description, a freezing ice in my veins. It was like a complete shaking and shattering of me. My hand was trembling violently as I reached out and clasped his strong hand. I looked down at the beautiful land below; I looked into his steady loving eyes.

He grinned and held my hand tightly, ‘On the count of three’ he said; as if we were about to burst into song, not plunge to our deaths.

‘One’ - I gripped his hand tightly  

‘Two’ - I closed my eyes and tears of terror run down my cheeks

‘Three’- The air rushed past, and caught away my scream.

Then from below me I heard the sound of mighty beating wings.

Saturday, 1 October 2011

Healing Touch...a poem by Rosemary

Healing touch

One hurting broken person  
Touching another hurting one
In His name
With tenderness and compassion,    
And in that connection
God’s love and healing can flow through.

One broken contrite soul
Touching another bruised spirit
In His name
With tenderness and compassion,
And in that connection
God’s love and healing can flow through

One sinful selfish heart
Offered in repentance at his throne
Willing to submit to God’s will
Can be a channel of His love
And in making connection
God’s love and healing can flow through

How Do I Approach You?...A poem by Rosemary

How Do I approach You?

How do I approach you Lord?
Do I come as a little child?
Trustingly, as to a loving parent
Climbing upon your knee      
Trusting that your
Perfect, mighty, tender love
Will shield, protect and keep me


Do I come as to an awesome king?
Bowing in submission and reverence
At the throne of a mighty conquering warrior
Trusting that your
Perfect, mighty, tender love
Will shield, protect and keep me


Do I come as a bride to her husband?
Sharing each others’ hearts
In deep and intimate ways
Trusting that your
Perfect, mighty, tender love
Will shield, protect and keep me


Do I come with hidden face?
In awe before the powerful creator
The very author and giver of life
Trusting that your
Perfect, mighty, tender love
Will shield, protect and keep me

How do I approach you Lord?

You are all these things and more
You are beyond my understanding
You are unique
Your love is perfect
Reaching, satisfying every need of human heart

How do I approach you Lord?

I approach you as my God
Trusting that your
Perfect, mighty, tender love
Will shield, protect and keep me.                               

The Quest for the Living Waters....a short story by Rosemary


It was another extremely hot day, the kind of day that leaves you feeling drained and tired. I sat down listlessly under the shade of some trees to rest. Wishing I had brought along something to drink, as my throat was dry and my head was beginning to ache. I sat for a time just gazing at nothing in particular until I became aware that I was not alone. Nearby, leaning against another tree, stood a man; he was watching me with a smile on his face. I am always cautious around strangers, so I didn’t immediately smile back at him, but looked at him, in what I hoped was a confident, and if necessary, uninviting way. He seemed a harmless sort of fellow however, and looked impossibly cool and comfortable despite the relentless heat.

‘You thirsty?’ he inquired after a while. I nodded, still feeling a little wary.

‘I have some water here,’ he said, taking a large bottle out of his bag. ‘Would you like some? It is living water.’ He took a cup from his bag and proceeded to pour the water into it. It looked so good and clear and wet. And my throat was so dry. He handed me the cup. I took the cup and sniffed the water; it seemed fine so I took a little sip and to my surprise found that it was the coolest, freshest, purest water that I had ever tasted. The man produced another cup from his bag and poured a drink for himself, and then he sat down and proceeded to tell me his story, the story that I now bring to you in his own words, the story of his quest for the living water.

I used to live in a large city, he begun. It was a noisy dirty place, overcrowded with many people who came to live there to try to make their fortunes. There was much industry, and the air was heavy with the fumes of it, the water supply of the city was contaminated by it and was in short supply. I felt choked and trapped in that place, but could see no way out. Dead wastelands and arid desert areas surrounded the city. As water was in such short supply and so vile anyway, we would liberally drink wine, beer and spirits to quench our thirsts and dull our minds to the hopeless situation in which we lived. This however only made my thirsts - physical and spiritual - greater and more overwhelming.

Then one day a man came to our city, he said he was a messenger from the Keeper and Giver of the Living Waters. He brought with him many bottles of water; such as the one which I have shared with you today. When I tasted it I knew that this was what I wanted, and I asked the man where I could get more. The messenger told me of the streams of living water which were for everyone who would accept them, and he spoke of the Keeper and Giver of the Living waters who was waiting to share them with any who would come. My heart longed for that place, so I asked the messenger where it was and how I could find it. He provided me with a map and book of instructions, and because most of the journey would be through desert places he also provided me with some bottles of the precious water to keep me from dying of thirst along the way.

I made careful preparations for my journey. I assumed that somewhere that was as wonderful as the Streams of Living Water would be a very costly place in which to stay, so I sold all I had to finance my venture and pay my way.

I studied my map and instruction book carefully, then when all was ready I said farewell to my friends and set off on my quest for the Living Waters.

As I expected the going was not easy, the waste lands and dead lands seemed to stretch forever, and I had to watch my step, as it was quite treacherous underfoot. If any doubts crept into my mind about my quest however, I just needed to take a sip from one of the bottles of water and my resolve to continue was strengthened. Yet it was a lonely journey, and I often wished for company to help pass the time. Then one day it seemed as if my wish had been granted, for I came upon a fellow traveler who appeared to be going in the same direction as myself. It was so good to have someone else to talk to and share the journey with. I told him all about my quest to find the streams of living water, how I had met the messenger, sold my possessions and set off on this long journey. He seemed really interested and said that he had heard of the place and he would like to come along too. We traveled together in easy companionship for some time, then after awhile we stopped for a rest and to refresh ourselves. As usual I pulled out my map to check that we were heading in the right direction. I felt it was important to do so because now we were well into the desert area and the route was not so clearly defined. My new friend glanced at my map, then told me we really didn’t need it as he knew this area like the back of his hand, he often traveled this way, and besides he knew a really easy good short cut that would bring me to the place I sought much quicker. He seemed a good sort of chap and insisted it would shorten the length of my journey considerably, so I folded my map and we set of again. As the evening drew on we decided to make camp for the night. I shared some of my provisions and water with him and then as I was so tired from the hard day of travel, I settled down to sleep.

The next morning I woke to the sun beating down on my head, and found myself all alone. This man who had seemed so friendly and helpful had disappeared. He had taken with him all I had, my provisions, clothes and money. But worst of all he had taken my water, my instruction book and my map. Now I was stranded in a barren place with nothing, and without any idea of where to go. True I had studied my map so many times before, but my traveling companion of the previous day had led me so far from the route I should be on that I was now hopelessly lost

For some time I sat there in the scorching sun just waiting to die, but soon the anger I felt forced me to get up. I tried to retrace the path we had taken, but realized I was more hopelessly lost than before. Just when I felt ready to give up I came across another man, sitting in the shade of a rock, holding tightly to a large container of water and peering about anxiously as if expecting someone to jump on him at any moment. He didn’t see me at first, so when I spoke a word of greeting he nearly jumped out of his skin with fright and dropped his container. He scrambled to retrieve it and clasping it tightly again he peered at me with guilty suspicion.

‘What do you want?’ he grumbled.

I explained who I was, and my plight, and that I was trying to find the place of Living Waters. Then I asked him if I could perhaps have a little of the water from his container to drink as all mine had been stolen. He told me in no uncertain terms to go away, I won’t repeat his language for it would embarrass me greatly, but the gist of his comments were to go and get my own water. It appears that he had found the place of Living Water, and in order not to come face to face with the ‘Keeper and Giver’ of the water, who he plainly feared meeting, he had waited until nightfall and then crept in and filled his container when no one could see. Now he was staying out of the way in case he was caught and dragged off to face the one he seemed to fear so much. He felt that because he had, to his own way of thinking, been so daring and risked so much to get the water, there was no way he was going to share it with a no-hoper like myself. I asked him if he could at least point me in the direction I should travel, which he grudgingly did. When I left him he was surreptitiously taking the top from his container, and raising it to his lips, all the while darting cautious glances around about. He didn’t appear to be enjoying his water too much.

Parched and thirsty, I stumbled on in what I hoped was now the correct direction. I wondered as I went if the Keeper and Giver of the streams of living water was really so terrifying as the man had made out, and if so how was I going to face him with nothing left with which to pay for the water. Maybe he could find me some work that I could do in return for a chance to stay by the streams.

Thinking about streams of water whilst being nearly dehydrated seemed to sap what little strength I had. My legs felt weak and wobbly, my tongue was sticking to the roof of my mouth, my eyes were gritty and sore, and my head felt like it was on fire. I couldn’t go on, and collapsed on my hands and knees in the scorching sand. I would have wept but there was nothing left within me with which to produce tears. That’s when I heard someone whistling a jolly tune and coming towards me. Looking up I saw a man dressed in a safari suit pulling a trolley behind him packed with bottles of water, just like the ones the messenger had given me.

‘I say old chap, you look rather the worse for wear’, he observed rather accurately. ‘You wouldn’t be in need of a little spot of wet stuff would you by any chance old thing?’  He asked in a concerned manner.

My throat was so parched I couldn’t answer; I barely managed a nod,

‘I have just the thing for you, you poor fellow, here let me give you a hand’. He kindly held one of those glorious bottles to my mouth and the clear pure elixir flowed down my throat. Almost immediately I felt the refreshing healing quality of what I knew to be the Living Water reviving me. ‘There now isn’t that better’ he said, ‘there is nothing like water from the streams of life to refresh a soul’.

He went on to tell me that he had just been to the streams of living water to visit with the ‘Keeper and Giver’ and to refill these water bottles. Now he was off to pit his wits against the desert again, he told me how he found it a challenge living in the desert and he would probably stay there until his water run out, and then he would return to the streams for a refreshing break before setting out for another adventure. He kindly gave me detailed instructions on how find my destination, and took his leave. It occurred to me that he talked as if it were some sort of holiday resort to which I was heading. I had been hoping it would be a place in which I could stay permanently.

Somewhat refreshed and revitalized I carried on my quest, sure now that I was on the right track and closer to my destination. Ahead of me I could make out the shapes of trees and I really hoped they were not just a mirage. As I drew closer I heard the sound of bitter weeping, and saw approaching me a man carrying a clay pot from which trailed water. When he drew near I saw that the pot was badly made with cracks from which the last trickles of water were escaping. ‘Are you heading for the Streams of Living Water’, he sobbed as he finally caught sight of me through his tears. ‘Well let me tell you it is a sham and a fraud, I went there with this perfectly good pot that I made with my very own hands, and look the water won’t stay in it. I am not staying around here any more. What good is the water if it doesn’t fill the pot I made?’ And with those words he walked off.

I felt a little confused by his words, but the sound of water so close by soon drove me on. The desert sand gave way to green grass, the barren landscape was soon clothed in verdant trees, and there in front of me at last I saw the flowing waters of the stream. I moved forward, half expecting this to be a mirage that would disappear or move away, but it was real. Beautiful water, that looked like clear gold gleaming in the sunlight.

As I moved towards it I saw someone dressed in white standing at the waters edge. I felt a little afraid, here was no doubt the ‘Keeper and Giver of the Water of Life’ himself. What should I do? What was I to say? I longed for the water, but I had nothing to offer this person to whom they belonged.

‘Welcome’, he said ‘I was expecting you. Come and find refreshment my child’.
I was overwhelmed by his words. I replied that I had nothing to give him to pay for the water, and I told him about how I had been tricked and robbed by the man I had met as I began my journey.

‘I know of the man you met,’ he replied, ‘He has led many people astray. But do not be unhappy that you cannot offer me anything to pay for this water. It is free, it is I who am offering it to you, all you need to do is to accept and enjoy.’

Why then, I asked him, if the water is free, did the other man to whom I had spoken in the dessert feel that he had to sneak in during the night and steal the water when no one could see?

He explained, ‘I could see when he came to take the water that night and it made me sad that he should come here in that way. What I offer is free to all who will accept. He only had to ask and it would have been given him. What he feels he has stolen will not refresh him, but only make his thirst worse. He needs to come openly and he will be forgiven and have the right to drink freely from the waters.’

My heart felt like singing as I listened to his words, I saw how lovely this place was and I wanted to stay forever, but I remembered the kind jolly gent who had helped me when I was ready to give up. I told the Keeper and Giver about how that gentleman had assisted me, and I was wondering how long I could stay in this place, as I really did have no where else to go.

‘There is no need for you to leave here,’ he replied, ‘the streams of living water are forever, come to me here and you will never thirst again. I know the man you met, who helped you. He is someone I care about a lot, but he refuses to stay here. He comes and seeks refreshment and I beg him to stay, but he insists on going out continually to sit in the desert until his water runs out again and he becomes thirsty and desperate. For some reason it makes him feel he is in control of his destiny and that in doing this he is facing the challenge of the desert and beating it. But he does not really understand the deadly danger of what he is doing. I know and have already faced and conquered the desert dangers for you all, and I offer you life. One day, I am afraid, he may stray so far into the wilderness that he will lose his way back home, and then his grief will be greater because he knows so well what he has wandered away from’. The Keeper and Giver looked deeply sad as he said this, then he added with a smile. ‘But I know those who are my own, and it is not my will that any of my own be lost, that stubborn gent will be found and I will bring home in the end.’

What of the man with the cracked clay pot I asked, he seemed so sad and angry. Will he too eventually have his thirst quenched? Again the Keeper and Giver looked grieved and deeply troubled. ‘That man will never find satisfaction, until he relinquishes that pot which he has made. He is trying to fill a cracked and imperfect pot of his own design and making with the living water, instead of freely drinking of the water, which is freely given. The pot he has made is incapable of holding any water, yet he will not give it up. I am afraid that even if he fills it with bad water from a stagnant pond he will find no more satisfaction, the bad water will flow through the cracks just as the good water did, and he will again be left thirsty.’ He shook his head sadly, then looked at me and smiled. ‘But now for you my child there is a celebration. Come drink now deeply from the waters and let them refresh and cleanse you, then come sit at my banqueting table and be satisfied with all I offer.’

I looked and saw a large table being filled with all kinds of delicious foods and realized just how hungry I was as well as thirsty. So I knelt at the waters edge and scooped some of that lovely clear water that I craved so much into my hands and drunk, then I splashed some over my face. I was shocked to hear the Keeper and Giver burst into loud laughter, and looked at him in amazement. What had I done that had been so amusing?

‘You are only a little bit thirsty,’ he chuckled, ‘only a little bit hot tired and dusty? Plunge right in my son it is for you, it is ever new, ever pure, enjoy it to the full, play in it, frolic in it, refresh yourself in it. Go on now; don’t just take a little in your hands. Dive in, enjoy, then come and eat.’

So I did, I stood up took a deep breath and plunged into those clear golden waters, and there are not words enough to describe what it is like, and how it feels. You will have to experience it for yourself.

‘The invitation to come to the living waters is for you too’, finished the stranger as I handed him back his cup.  If you are thirsty my friend, come to him and you too can refresh yourself in the streams of Living Water, which are forever’.