He had a plan….Christmas thoughts
Often I struggle with some of the concepts and thoughts about Christmas that are presented year after year, not only in the secular world but in the Christian arena too. I have nothing against cute nativity plays, artistic manger scenarios etc, but they don’t seem to connect at a deeper level.
Christmas messages are sometimes, not always of course but sometimes, sugar-coated or unrealistic. The expectations of everyone in general seem to be that it should be a magical time when none of the usual hard, nasty and real things happen. Everyone would like to believe in ‘goodwill to all men’ and Santa Claus, but of course it never is like that, bad stuff still happens. Humans, like leopards, don’t magically change their spots, earthquakes, disasters, illnesses etc don’t stand back and wait for Christmas to come and go before they happen, and we are constantly disappointed.
So I wanted to think about Christmas a different way this year. We are celebrating an amazing, awesome, life changing event in the chequered history of this world. When I move aside the tinsel and trappings of Christmas I am astounded again at what actually happened.
Our God, the almighty…powerful-beyond-imagination….God who designed, created and sustains the universe had a plan!!! From the dawn of time, from the first human failure and betrayal, he had a plan for his beloved creation, for mankind. Despite our obstinacy and sinfulness, he wanted us to enjoy his indescribable love, to be able to be in a deep and intimate relationship with us, he wanted us to be able to live as he designed us to live, in communion and love with himself.
So he had a plan, an audacious, stunning and awesomely loving plan to come and live among us, as one of us; To share our burdens, disappointments, temptations and to bring his perfect kingdom into our imperfect world; to take onto himself and bear the consequences of his own anger at our rebellion and sinfulness.
The plan took hundreds of years to bring to fruition…and then the time was right!!!! The time was perfect!!! He did something awesome…our omnipotent God took the form of a human, coming in the most vulnerable way as a helpless dependant baby, to share our lives on this planet from the start, dependant on and at the mercy of inexperienced humans.
The angels couldn’t help but burst out as they saw the beautiful, awesome God bring his plan to fruition.
‘Wow!!! You people on earth, do you realise what has just happened!! Do you not understand what an amazing thing has happened…you are just so lucky!!!! You are being given the chance to be alive with your creator. Don’t you realise the magnitude of what he is doing for you…Can’t you see who has come among you…. don’t you humans understand!!’
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