Friday, 28 August 2015

just a couple more poems to send into cyber space

Just a couple more poems. One is my 'Creed' sort of what I believe. The other one is more how I feel at the moment. Which is like I am a work in progress and I can't see where God is taking me or what his plan is, so I am just trusting that God has a plan and is in control.

My creed

God: Mighty and awesome
Creator of all things, the heavens above
And the earth below
The giver and sustainer of life;
Merciful and loving beyond our comprehension
Patient, gentle and kind;
The giver of rest.
Powerful, strong and just
Invincible, omnipotent and strong;
Defender and avenger
Redeemer and deliverer
The lamb upon the throne,
Who suffered and died for us
Bearing our sins in his body
So we can live,
Who rose again victorious
The conqueror over sin and death
Who was and is and is to come,
Ever living – our God
Construction site
Lord, I am your construction site
You have said you will rebuild me
But right now it seems such a mess
Of rubble, dust and debris,
You have a masterplan for me
You are the great designer
So I will wait here patiently
Into your hands I surrender. 
It seems a long hard road to walk
As slowly you reveal things,
Or is it just my heart that’s slow?
To grasp and understand this
Lord, build me up, create in me
A heart where you can dwell
You are the master builder Lord
And you do all things well




Monday, 10 August 2015

Thank goodness God is greater

You  are greater

O Lord, be greater than me:
Greater than my depression,
Which often overwhelms me
Greater than my fear,
Which cripples me
Greater than my understanding,
Which limits me
You are greater Lord
Greater than my condemning heart
Your love is greater Lord
Than my ability to receive it
Your mercy is greater Lord
Than my unworthiness
Lord, in your greatness
Surround and fill me
In your greatness
O Lord, be my God.
Thank you Lord that you are
Greater than my heart