Just a glimpse, Lord
Of what it would be like
To be free of depression
To be a butterfly
Not to be struggling, Lord
With this heavy heart
What would it feel like?
To have a happy heart
I want to see you
Jesus, I want to see you near
I want to feel your touch;
I want to know that you are real
I need you Lord so much.
Not just imagine an idea
Or make up words from you,
Not dream and wish and hope in vain,
I want to know you’re true.
Please walk beside me Lord I pray
Be all around me too,
Please fill my heart, my mind, my life
Help me to live with you.
Thank you
We come to you with all our needs
Thank you Lord for hearing
We come to you with hurting hearts
Thank you Lord for healing
We come to you in all our sin
Thank you for forgiving
We come to you unworthily
Thank you Lord for loving
Thank you for your patience
Thank you for your grace
Thank you Lord for answered prayers
Thanks for your safe embrace