Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Morning thoughts


The morning comes, I wake from busy dreams
And with the morning I recognise futility
I don’t want to start another day
Heaviness clouds my heart and mind
Tears of desperation flow.
Morning is when I want to run away
To give up, disappear and hide
Not face up to another day,
I have no purpose, all hope feels lost
I am useless, a burden – I would be no loss.
So I fall to my knees again in tears of despair
And I turn to your Word again, to find some hope there.
I quietly sit in tears at your feet
Broken, defeated at your mercy seat
And it’s there that I find the strength to go on
My hand in yours, you can lead because you are strong
Speak to my heart again
Lord speak to my heart again
May I hear your gentle whisper
Let me understand once more
Your words of life and love and hope
Quieten down my fretful heart Lord
Still the worries and the fears,
Open up my understanding
So I can hear your voice again. 
May your spirit come and fill me
Write your will upon my heart,
Shine through the cracks and flaws Lord
Guide me always by your love.
Help me put my trust in you Lord
Know you hold me by the hand,
Let me follow where your lead Lord
My life is under your command. 
Teach me, heal me, keep and guide me
For I’m often prone to stray
Keep my feet upon your path Lord
Hold me firmly in your way.