Changes are things I don't like. I prefer the security of knowing what I am doing, where I am etc, I like my routines and familiar habits, I like having the people around that I have grown used to. Changes are unsettling, disturbing almost painful.
I was bringing this to God in my quiet time this morning, the following 'poem' is what resulted
Facing change
Lord I am afraid of change
Yet it is all around me
I know you know what’s best for me
But please don’t trample over me
Oh child of course I won’t do that
I know your heart – I made you
I know your hesitance and fears
I know your doubts and terrors.
I’ll never trample on your heart
I do not seek to harm you
It’s my arm around you that you feel
As it gently moves you forward
Fear not my child, don’t be dismayed
I’ll never ever leave you
Be still child, I have you in my arms.